December 2, 2022

Dear Residents, Family and Friends,

Be advised that we have 13 residents that are currently identified as positive for Covid-19 in the facility.  This cluster of covid cases has been identified on our 2nd floor. As a precaution, we are currently discouraging visiting. However, if you choose to visit, we ask that you follow the following measures:

  • Visitors must wear a surgical mask, n95 or kn95 mask.  A cloth mask may be worn but must be worn over the surgical, n95 or kn95 mask.
  • Full PPE (N95 masks, Gowns, Gloves) should be worn if visiting a resident with a confirmed case of Covid-19 or recent exposure to a resident with Covid-19. Visiting anyone with an active case of Covid-19 is discouraged and visitors assume risk to their health in doing so.
  • Please limit the time of your visit to no more than 30 minutes.
  • You may only visit with 1 resident, do not socialize with other residents
  • Visit may only occur in resident’s room (or out on pass)
  • Maintain proper hand hygiene at all times
  • We encourage all residents & visitors to be fully vaccinated & “boostered”

All visitors must have a negative Covid-19 test, either an at home rapid antigen test in the last 24 hours or a PCR laboratory test in the last 48 hours. This includes those who have had Covid-19 in the previous 90 days. The facility can provide an at home test for your use for visits upon request.  If a visitor tests positive, they need to follow current isolation guidance and need to provide a negative test to resume visiting the facility.

Other actions we are taking to prevent the spread of Covid-19 include:

  • Units that are affected will have rehabilitation treatments provided on the unit, not in the gym
  • Limit group recreation activities, provide alternate individual activities
  • All residents and staff with symptoms will be tested for Covid-19, even if fully vaccinated
  • Meals served bedside, with dining rooms open only for residents requiring close supervision
  • Positive residents placed in isolation/private room. Exposed roommates in private/isolation rooms.
  • Negative residents with an out-on-facility pass may still leave facility, but not congregate in lobby, hallways

Visitation may be suspended, cancelled or revised on short notice at any time.

Thank you for your cooperation.